Baldur's Gate 3

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Zariel Tiefling / Barbarian (Berserker) / Outlander
Neutral good
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Raw meat Purple

Gums grew up under a different, secret, name (she forgot) with her mother, Lyla, who attempted to start a small brewery in Lower City. The plans fell through at some point early in Gums' life, so she was passed over to the care of her father, who lived nomadically along the Sword Coast. She never saw her mother again, and developed a peculiar relationship to her now present father.

Gums' father trained her to fight like a barbarian, and indeed she picked up the art of intimidation (mostly by virtue of her grizzly appearance), though he knew his harsh words fell on deaf ears, for Gums still had a gentle heart like her mother. Eventually, he kicked the bucket after a run-in a particularly nasty spider. Gums, in her pre-teen naivety, asked the spider, "hey, what gives?" and the spider responded, "nasty man."

Gums gets her name from the way she smiles.

Gums never had the cunning nor appreciation for cunning, probably because it was beyond her, but she sensed a softness to Astarian that made him approachable, though he initially buttered her up to ensure his own safety