30.11.23; v2.3





The following updates listed here come from my *old* changelog page, meaning some dates, tweaks, and other deets have been lost to time. The progress to recover and properly archive the sites history is a slow but steady one.

> 06.06.23; v1.83 27.05.23 * New changelog! With a proper RSS feed * Site is now responsive * The journal and homepage have a fresh coat of paint * New journal page with SpaceHey RSS + 88x31 button 08.05.23 * Song player on main page. No autoplay still :( * New minimalist landing page pre-homepage 04.05.23 * Joining webrings and introducing tools * New index page, ft. Bartholo-mew! * Implemented an RSS-based journal * Revamped About page into tab system > 29.04.23; v1.31 21.04.23 * Aesthetic shifts and some moving things around * Fitted a neat taskbar underneath the title bar * Styled and implemented an iframe to my status.cafe * Title bar text and buttons (no functionality yet) 20.04.23 * Guestbook fully added! 16.04.23 * Implemented visitor counter and "last updated" * Marquee now neatly in the top navigation bar * Streamlined code from scratch > 15.04.23; v1.03 14.04.23 * Centred window vertically (finally) * Solved issue with links not targeting iframes 13.04.23 * Converted main body of text into an iframe * Moved title bar into own div instead of ::before body 12.04.23 * Changed bullets in to-do * Embedded status.cafe into status section * Dotted border around focused links 11.04.23 * Changed navigation to tree view * Altered headers for sections in right column * Attempted to emulate an old-school scrollbar * Some colour fixes! Removed the yellow tint, wasn't keen