Biggus Boggus

A static site for my life, interests, and crafts! (and in perpetual reconstruction)

(Bartholo-mew also says welcome)

I miss when CBBC was GRUNGY and COOL. I miss when there wasn't such a corporate hard-on for rounded corners, meta-this, meta-that, and whichever stockholder some new AI tool is jacking off-- did Space Oddyssey mean nothing? Whatever. I daisy-do'd ur mum.

This is a love letter to the way things once were, the things that I wish stuck around long enough to carry me through my adolescence.

I can’t say I thought much about a fun allegory for this site. What is it? A secret out-of-Matrix getaway? The conspicuous magazine under ur bed? The even more suspicious sock next to it? Dunno. But this is my homepage and its kinda neat... Welcome!

If you wandered here from Neocities, I hope the amateur code makes for a fun browsing experience you can chinwag about. If you’re here to check up on me personally from my other pages then wow! Hi! Thanks for the consideration! Ur awesome! ♡

About the WebmasterSign my Guestbook


  • (re)Watching: Attack on Titan s1
  • Reading: Gone Girl
  • Playing: Littlewood, (re)Slime Rancher
  • Recent Film: Across the Spiderverse
Updated as of 03:07 06/06/23.


  • Finish revamping every existing page.
  • Create pages: credits, sitemap, shrines.
  • Turn tools into bookmarks.
  • Upload works to gallery.
  • Low priority: arcade page (hehe)
  • Set up: commissions page and ko-fi.


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I'll find a better way of formatting this, sorry.